Welcome to our website. We hope you find it insightful and helpful.
We are a fee-only, fiduciary investment adviser based in Horseshoe Bay, TX located amongst the Highland Lakes about 50 miles "west of Weird".
We are quite unique in how we deliver our financial services solutions for our clients. Feel free to peruse our website at your leisure to learn more about our process.
Thank you for visiting our site and let us know if we can help you achieve a greater sense of financial security.
Matt McCracken
Founder, A Sling and A Stone
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Our first priority is your financial security:

Losing sleep over market volatility?
We have a battle-tested risk management process that minimizes losses so you don't have to lose sleep. We implement a two-tiered approach at both the security and the portfolio level to protect our clients from bear markets.
Fee-only Investment Adviser
According to SmartAsset.com, rule #1 is: "Always hire an Adviser Who is a Fiduciary." We have served every single client as a Fiduciary since 2005. Our philosophy is simple. If our only source of income is our clients, our loyalty will like solely with them. By playing on the same team, we minimize conflicts of interest that too often pit finanical professionals and their firms against their clients.

Our Investment Strategy (MAP)
We have a proprietary system which identifies anomalies in stock prices and subsequently pinpoints low-risk entry prices for building exposure to the stock market. We focus on individual equities, both US and international. We also include alternative assets thus providing us with profitable opportunities in all market environments. We call our system the Market Anomaly Program.
Investors, we have a problem...
Our investment thesis begins with the idea that a once-in-a-lifetime bull market in stocks and bonds has resulted in a potential once-in-a-lifetime "value trap" for today's retirees. We have developed a strategy to specifically combat the value trap providing our clients with the opportunity to fulfill their retirement goals and dreams regardless of what the market does.