Evergreen Content Blog Posts

Nuclear Reactors
February 25, 2021 by Matt McCracken
For disclosure purposes, we are long Uranium Participation Company (U.to), Cameco (CCJ), BWX Technologies (BWXT) and Denison Mining (DNN) as of the date of this post. CNBC posted excerpts of an interview today with Bill Gates talking about how he is...Read more
February 23, 2021 by Matt McCracken
There is considerable chatter about inflation coming home to roost over the next several months to years. And we have addressed the inevitabilty of price inflation for some time on this site. When the media talks inflation, what they are talking...Read more
Edward Jones Logo
August 19, 2020 by Matt McCracken
In the most recent issue of our local newspaper, The Horseshoe Bay Beacon, an article was printed from Edward Jones titled, " How Can You Help Lower Your Longevity Risk? ". I thought I may weigh in on the topic since "making your nest egg last a...Read more
August 15, 2020 by Matt McCracken
The following is one of the scriptures quoted in the Moravian Text today... "Do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the poor. " Zechariah 7:10 Oops! I guess if it doesn't appear in "Two" Corinthians, the boys in Washington don't take it...Read more
July 22, 2020 by Matt McCracken
Disclosure: Our firm is short AGO. Why The Fed can’t bailout the US Muni bond market (i.e. why cities, counties and states are not like Greece and Puerto Rico.) Fragmentation The Muni bond market is terribly fragmented. You have hundreds of large...Read more
Pay phone
February 14, 2017 by Matt McCracken
I stopped to fill up my car at an HEB in San Antonio and, while I was paying $1.99 for gas, I saw the following and thought I must have just traveled back to 1998. A pay telephone. At a gas station. I hadn’t seen one of those in years. And it...Read more
October 25, 2016 by Matt McCracken
News today via CNBC that AB has made the first driverless truck delivery . I've read about this inevitable development for quite some time. I remember in school, an owner of a local trucking company spoke to our management class and the number one...Read more
October 21, 2016 by Matt McCracken
UPDATE: The link in this post is no longer valid. Please e-mail us by filling out the "Contact Us" form on this page and I'll e-mail you a copy of the report. Please put "Managed Futures" in the subject line. I just found this .pdf on why Managed...Read more
October 12, 2016 by Matt McCracken
Two words: Glass-Steagall. I admit it, I am an unabashed Glass-Steagall apologist. I think it would go a long way to solving a great number of our nation's problems, especially the financial ones. Consider its success. During the enforcement of...Read more