Market Commentary Blog Posts

July 22, 2020 by Matt McCracken
Disclosure: Our firm is short AGO. Why The Fed can’t bailout the US Muni bond market (i.e. why cities, counties and states are not like Greece and Puerto Rico.) Fragmentation The Muni bond market is terribly fragmented. You have hundreds of large...Read more
July 8, 2020 by Matt McCracken
Many years ago, I had a meeting with a rep from Altegris Investments. ( Altegris Investments is one of the foremost authorities on Managed Futures strategies and other kinds of alternative investments.) In the meeting, he proposed a thought...Read more
May 6, 2020 by Matt McCracken
Ten years ago today, the Dow Jones Industrial Index fell several hundred points in a matter of minutes and a few stocks like Accenture traded below $1 for a split second. It took a while but eventually, the US Justice Department unveiled the culprit...Read more
May 2, 2020 by Matt McCracken
This past month, the near-dated WTIC contract (CL) went negative, which I assume is a first for any commodity contract. The May CL contract didn't just go negative but it went very negative. Now, this is not suppose to happen but at the height of...Read more
Jim Rogers, famed investor
November 9, 2016 by Matt McCracken
Not many people, including myself, expected the upset last night. One guy did. And he seems to always get these things right some how. I have followed several elections in both the US and Europe and everytime he takes the opposite view of the polls...Read more
Cliinton and Pence Victory
November 9, 2016 by Matt McCracken
We all know Wall Street desperately wanted Hillary to be President and tried using scare tactics saying the market would plunge 10+% in the event of a Trump victory. And futures are down, but no where near the 10% they promised. The thinly veiled...Read more
October 25, 2016 by Matt McCracken
News today via CNBC that AB has made the first driverless truck delivery . I've read about this inevitable development for quite some time. I remember in school, an owner of a local trucking company spoke to our management class and the number one...Read more
October 12, 2016 by Matt McCracken
Two words: Glass-Steagall. I admit it, I am an unabashed Glass-Steagall apologist. I think it would go a long way to solving a great number of our nation's problems, especially the financial ones. Consider its success. During the enforcement of...Read more