Market Commentary Blog Posts

Nuclear Reactors
February 25, 2021 by Matt McCracken
For disclosure purposes, we are long Uranium Participation Company (, Cameco (CCJ), BWX Technologies (BWXT) and Denison Mining (DNN) as of the date of this post. CNBC posted excerpts of an interview today with Bill Gates talking about how he is...Read more
February 23, 2021 by Matt McCracken
There is considerable chatter about inflation coming home to roost over the next several months to years. And we have addressed the inevitabilty of price inflation for some time on this site. When the media talks inflation, what they are talking...Read more
January 12, 2021 by Matt McCracken
Corn, wheat and soybeans all experienced a considerable move higher today, with corn trading limit up, as the USDA reported much lower inventories than expected. The USDA is saying several grains saw a record drop in yields. For quite some time, I...Read more
October 20, 2020 by Matt McCracken
This morning, CNBC posted an article titled, "Why Russia - and Putin - might be worried about a Biden presidency?" The article points out several events that have not endeared Russia to the Democratic party. I think we may need to consider flipping...Read more
Oil rigs in West Texas
October 9, 2020 by Matt McCracken
Over the past couple of weeks, my capitulation signal indicator (CSI) has been going off for energy stocks. Just in the past week, we bought CVX, KYN and PBR. It also generated buys on IYE, MMP and SLB but I didn't take them but I may in the coming...Read more
September 30, 2020 by Matt McCracken
I didn't watch the debate last night, yet I have read several reports stating it was quite a fiasco. I deliberately refrain from watching these events because I want to remain as unbiased as I can. While I have an obligation to my country, I feel a...Read more
August 27, 2020 by Matt McCracken
BAD NEWS FOR RETIREES!...especially those living on a fixed income. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell made a highly anticipated announcement this morning the FED will make a significant shift in their approach to keeping a lid on inflation. In practice,...Read more
July 24, 2020 by Matt McCracken
Disclosure: Our firm is long CEF, SGOL, SIVR, PAAS, AU and NEM as of the day of this article's publication. Gold and silver prices have gone straight vertical the past week. We have precious metal exposure for our clients through three different...Read more