Market Commentary Blog Posts

July 20, 2016 by Matt McCracken
However, there will be no poor among you, since the LORD will surely bless you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess, if only you listen obediently to the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all...Read more
March 14, 2016 by Matt McCracken
It was just announced that several large banks will pay fines and plead guilty to marketing rigging in the currency and bond markets. Isn't rigging currency and bond markets not what the Federal Reserve and practically every oether central bank does...Read more
December 18, 2015 by Matt McCracken
On January 13th of this year, I wrote a post called Great Day to Buy Oil? It wasn't the lowest close in oil in Q1 but darn close to it. And it turned out to be a great day to "trade" oil on the long side as it shot up over 31% in the next five...Read more
July 6, 2015 by Matt McCracken
Headline from Yahoo!Finance this morning: The Latest: Tsipras calls Putin in wake of referendum result Over the last few weeks, the courtship between Russia and Greece has heated up. While Greece's failure to pay their debts may not impact the US...Read more
May 29, 2015 by Matt McCracken
This morning, Yahoo!Finance reports that Bloomberg reported that almost $1B has been withdrawn from USO, the biggest U.S. exchange-traded fund that tracks the price of oil, over the past couple of months . The article makes two points that are both...Read more
May 19, 2015 by Matt McCracken
Bill Gross has made a call to short the German Bund and in doing so has called up memories of the greatest trade of all-time - Soros' Breaking the Bank of England. I largely agree with Gross' fundamental outlook on the Bund. But what really...Read more
May 13, 2015 by Matt McCracken
I reluctantly watched Ron Paul’s interview on Porter Stansberry’s site. For years I’ve mistakenly hit on links to Stansberry’s site with some irresistible teaser just to be terribly disappointed when it became clear that whatever information was...Read more
April 17, 2015 by Matt McCracken
For quite some time, I have argued that the stock market is relatively expensive by historical standards and will therefore experience below average returns for the next decade. Recently, I developed a new and very simplistic means of calculating...Read more